Let me show you how to wake up with a trouble-free tummy.

Gut Reset Package

This package is for you if you’re done googling your gut symptoms and want to get an accurate diagnosis via comprehensive functional gut testing.

Imagine not waking up feeling bloated or experiencing nausea, stomach pain or constantly worrying about where the nearest toilet is when you leave the house. Better yet, imagine never having to worry about your gut problems ever again. It is possible, let me show you how.

Is this package right for me?

This package is right for you if you are currently struggling with the following symptoms and want an evidence-based approach to treatment:

- Constipation
- Diarrhoea
- Bloating
- Flatulence
- Indigestion
- Candida
- Reflux
- Abdominal pain and cramping

What this package includes...

  • 1 x 45-minute support consultation with Megan. This consultation will be where Megan will discuss your results with you and develop a treatment plan specific to your results

  • 1 x 20 minute follow up support consultation to discuss your progress half way through

  • 1 x 20 minute follow up support consultation at the end of your gut protocol to discuss
    ongoing treatment if needed (Megan can discuss access to more support if required after this last consultation)

  • Email support throughout the duration of your gut treatment (12 weeks)

  • Dietary Guidelines and Nutrition Support

  • Individualised Gut Protocol

What is the GI-Map test?

The GI-MAP stands for Gastrointestinal Microbial Assay Plus m(Unparalleled DNA Based Stoolm Testing)— it’s one of the most sought-after gut health tests today. It assesses a patient’s microbiome from one single stool sample.

The panel includes a comprehensive understanding of:
- Normal bacteria
- Opportunistic/dysbiotic bacteria
- Bacterial and viral pathogens
- Potential autoimmune triggering bacteria
- Helicobacter pylori with virulence factors
- Fungi/Yeast
- Parasites
- Worms
- Leaky gut
- Inflammation in the bowel
- Immune response (in the gut) to gluten
- Beta-glucoronidase

Supplements and medications to AVOID before testing:

Stop taking for three (3) days prior to stool collection

- All digestive support supplements that have HCL, Betaine, Glutamine, all gut healing powders

(Unless otherwise advised)

Stop taking for two (2) weeks prior to stool collection

- all probiotics
- all anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, and antibacterial agents like berberine, golden seal, thyme
- all NSAIDS (Panadol, Ibuprofen)
- Bismuth
- Prednisone: If you doctor has prescribed prednisone for short term treatment, wait until 2 weeks after that course of medication is completed.

Antibiotics: Plan to take to test when you are NOT taking antibiotics. If you are currently on a course
of antibiotics, finish that, wait two (2) weeks and then complete the stool test.

Stop taking for four (4) weeks prior to stool collection

- Biofilm disruptors

Other prescription medications should be taken in accordance with your doctor's instructions
and may be continued.

Gut Reset Package
from $1,149.00
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  • You can opt to add on these additional functional gut testing to your gut package to get an even deeper understanding of the other issues that may be occurring in your gut. And if it were up to me, I would say get it all done and leave no stone unturned. If you’ve come this far this is your sign to dive all in.

  • What is SIBO?

    SIBO stands for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. It is defined as the excessive presence of bacteria in the small intestine.

    When you consume fermentable carbohydrates, these bacteria then get to work by consuming these foods and when they do they produce a gas. How can this show up and when would I get this tested?

    Classic SIBO Signs:

    • You’ve been diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) – in fact 80% of people with IBS actually have SIBO and it’s the SIBO that’s causing their IBS symptoms.

    • Bloating which is usually worse when you eat fruits and vegetables

    • Excessive flatulence

    • Reflux

    • Indigestion

    • Burping

    • Food intolerances

    • You may often have issues tolerating onion, garlic, broccoli, watermelon, apples among others

    Cost: $200

    ** There Is A Comprehensive Preparation Guide For The SIBO Test, This Will Be Emailed To You Upon Purchase.

  • What is a vaginal microbiome mapping test?

    ‍Just like your gut, your vagina also houses its very own bacterial ecosystem. This test provides insights into the bacterial diversity in your vagina from one single vaginal swab in the comfort of your own home.

    The panel includes a comprehensive undertsanding of:

    • Opportunistic bacteria relating to bacterial vaginosis (BV) as well as giving a definite yes or no as to whether you have BV

    • Most common sexually transmitted diseases

    • Beneficial bacteria levels

    • Vaginal pH

    • Opportunistic fungal pathogens that can present as thrush

    Is this test right for me?

    This test is for the woman who wants tangible evidence as to why she continually has recurrent thrush, UTIs or bacterial vaginosis. The woman who is done guessing and wants to truly understand what is going on with her body. Imagine never having a take another round of Canesten ever again, it’s possible. Let me show you how.

    Cost: $160

Ready to start your wellness journey?

If you’re ready to say yes to a healthier version of you, then I can’t wait to take the time to listen and assist you on your wellness journey!